- Swollen, red, warm joints esp MCP, PIP, wrist, elbow, knee, ankle, MTP joints
- Sparing of DIPs
- Tenosynovitis
- Bursitis – elbow, trochantric
- Fatigue
- Morning stiffness > 1hr lasting > 6 weeks
- Affects joints symmetrically
- Feeling unwell
- Weight loss
- Myalgia
- Joint pain
- Hb
- Rh factor can be negative; anti CCP antibody more specific for RA
- Rheumatoid nodules (rare these days – sign of poor control)
- Radiographic changes – erosions especially wrists, hands, feet
- Aches and pains in joints
- Fever
- Fatigue
- Skin rashes (malar, discoid)
- Think of SLE if ESR ? but CRP normal
- Low WCC
- Can cause inflammation of linings of heart and lungs
- Oral ulcers
- Photosensitivity
- Renal disorders
- CNS disorders (seizures or psychosis)
- Haematological disorders (anaemia, leucopenia, lymphopenia)
- Often present with rheumatology disorders
- Low bone density scan
- Reduced standing height
Polymyalgia rheumatica
- Stiff muscles especially in morning
- If joints involved, it is usually shoulder, hip or wrist
- Symmetrical aching and stiffness in shoulders and proximal limb muscles > 1 month
- Mild polyarthritis
- ESR > 30 or CRP > 6
- Prompt and dramatic response to steroids
- Common in people over 70
- Tenosynovitis eg CTS
- Depression
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Weight loss
- Anorexia
- Possible headaches + loss of vision if temporal arteritis present
- Rapid onset fever initially
- Joint pain – often ankles
- Erythema nodosum
- Tender swollen lymph glands especially in chest
- Fatigue and weight loss
- Raynauds Syndrome
- Swelling of hands or feet – skin becomes shiny, usual skin creases disappear
- Stiffness of joints
- Ulceration of fingers can appear at late stages
- Inflamed joints leading to contractures
- Can affect connective tissue of internal organs causing heart burn, dysphagia and disturbance of bowel function
- HT if kidneys affected
Psoriatic arthritis
- Psoriasis
- Stiff and painful joints involving spine and DIP joints
- Asymmetrical oligoarthritis
- Symmetrical polyarthritis indistinguishable from RA
- Absence of juxta articular osteoporosis as in RA
- Ankylosis
- Stiff and painful back or neck
- Pitting and discolouration of nails
- Iritis
- RF present in 10%
Ankylosing spondylitis
- Pain and stiffness in lower back and other areas of spine
- Tightness in chest + limitation of expansion
- Enthesitis (TA, plantar fascia)
- Fibrosis and ossificationof ligament, tendon and capsular insertion into bone
- Synovitis especially in the hips and knees
- Fatigue
- Iritis
- Anaemia
- HLA B27 possibly positive
- MRI showing sacroiliitis
- Bamboo spine
- Asymmetrical joint pain
- Alternating buttock pain
- Limitation of lumbar spine movement
- Bilateral pulmonary fibrosis (upper lobe)
Sjogrens Syndrome
- Dry eyes
- Dry mouth
- Tired and achy
- Abnormal lower lip biopsy
- Raynauds Syndrome
- Positive shirmers test
- Pain on movement
- Worse at end of day
- Constant background pain
- Joint instability
- Heberdens Nodes (DIP joints and first MCP joint)
- X-ray – loss of joint space, marginal osteophytes, subchondral sclerosis + cysts
- Swollen, red, extremely painful joints esp big toe but also ankles, knees, hands, wrists or elbows
- Attack lasts a few days
- Urate crystals in tissues and synovial fluid
- X-rays later show punched out lesions in juxta-articular bone
- Similar to gout but affects different joints – mainly wrist, shoulder or knee
Reactive arthritis
- Often one or more large joints affected
- Enthesitis
- Iritis
- Keratoderms blenhorragica (brown aseptic abcesses on soles and palms)
- Mouth ulcers
- May follow dysentery, chlamidia urethritis, salmonella, helicobacter jejuni
- ESR and CRP
- Stool culture
- Widespread pain in tendons, ligaments and muscles
- Fatigue
- Stiffness
- Sleep disturbance
- Extreme tenderness to pressure in specific areas
- Occasionally poor circulation, headache, irritability, loss of concentration, abdo pain, diarrhoea
- Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis)
- Tender temporal artery
- Visual disturbance
- Headache
- Jaw pain
- Cerebrovascular insufficiency
- ESR > 30 mm/h or CRP > 6mg/ml
- Good response to steroids
- Abnormal artery biopsy
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- Always clinical diagnosis of exclusion
- Joint swelling rather than pain
- Some stiffness
- 2/3 present with single joint disease 1/3 with 2 joints
- Most common joints are knee, elbow, ankle
- A period of 2 – 5 years of active arthritis is common
- Uveitis is common
- Fatigue
- Can be systemic, polyarthritis, psoriatic arthritis or enthesitis related arthritis
This summary has been compiled by Barbara Hill, physiotherapist.
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