The following links provide information on arthritis both for healthcare professionals and patients.
National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society provides support and information for people with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis Research UK: for information on conditions and drugs
National Osteoporosis Society: UK wide charity dedicated to improving the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis
Arthritiscare: UK’s largest charity working with and for all people who have arthritis
British Society for Rheumatology: promotes excellence in the treatment of people with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions and supports those delivering it
Department of Health: the government department responsible for public health issues
World Health Organisation fracture risk tool: healthcare professionals can use this tool to estimate a patient’s risk of a future (10 year) fracture risk by using various clinical factors
Centre for Patient Involvement: provides a platform to share information relating to verity of approaches seeking patient feedback and uses feedback to improve clinical services and patient outcomes
Citizens Advice Bureau: information and advice relating to claiming benefits and help with health-related costs’
Patient Experience Network: the Arthritis Centre supports the work of the PEN to improve patient experience